The story revolve to the three woman which is the new protectors of the New Gotham. Batman, the guardian of New Gotham, and his one true love, Catwoman, left behind something extraordinary when they vanished. It was their daughter Huntress, her real name is Helena a half metahuman, she has taken up her father's mantel and under cover of the night, fights to protect the innocent and helpless. Joining her in this struggle, Oracle, who was once Batman's protege, Batgirl. She was caught in the crossfire of the war between Batman and Joker causing her to paralyzed , now she fights crime a different way, a master of the cyber-realms and mentor and trainer to heroes. Together, they have taken in a young runaway, Dinah, a metahuman herself with powers to open hidden doors to the mind, powers that she is only beginning to explore. The girls must learn how to work together and become not only a team of superheroes but also a family.
The series is set in New Gotham City, several years after it has been abandoned by Batman, with Barbara Gordon, and Helena as the Huntress, having taken over his war on crime. A central feature of the series is the concept of metahumans. Individuals born with powers that cannot be explained, such as Helena and Dinah. No two metahumans have the same ability (or set of abilities) and there exists a whole sub culture of metahuman society that the outside world knows nothing about. Detective Reese introduced in this series who teamed up with Huntress and the Birds of Prey to defeat metahuman criminals. At first, he is disapproving of Helena's vigilantism, even trying to arrest her, but eventually he realises there is a need for the Birds of Prey to take down criminals the police can't handle. During the course of the show, the Birds of Prey often find themselves confronted with schemes masterminded by Dr. Quinzel, though they are unaware of her involvement until the final episodes of the series. Her attempts to discover what Helena is hiding, and the duplicitous nature of their therapy sessions together, form a large part of the series arc, beginning in the pilot episode, and being resolved in the series finale.
The series is set in New Gotham City, several years after it has been abandoned by Batman, with Barbara Gordon, and Helena as the Huntress, having taken over his war on crime. A central feature of the series is the concept of metahumans. Individuals born with powers that cannot be explained, such as Helena and Dinah. No two metahumans have the same ability (or set of abilities) and there exists a whole sub culture of metahuman society that the outside world knows nothing about. Detective Reese introduced in this series who teamed up with Huntress and the Birds of Prey to defeat metahuman criminals. At first, he is disapproving of Helena's vigilantism, even trying to arrest her, but eventually he realises there is a need for the Birds of Prey to take down criminals the police can't handle. During the course of the show, the Birds of Prey often find themselves confronted with schemes masterminded by Dr. Quinzel, though they are unaware of her involvement until the final episodes of the series. Her attempts to discover what Helena is hiding, and the duplicitous nature of their therapy sessions together, form a large part of the series arc, beginning in the pilot episode, and being resolved in the series finale.
The Cast:
Great action Tv Shows featuring Helena or known for "The Huntress", daughter of catwoman and batman..
hey nice info on the birds of prey, I Like bat girl the most,coz her skills are unique, both fighter and a skilled detective :D
I've watch this one time and I love it!! those girls sure kick butts. Nice info by the way!!
my all time favorite drama-action tv series,. Great review, thanks for the useful information about Birds of Prey
i like the plot of this tv series. hope i can get a DVD copy of it
Reminds me of someone, make me interested with this blog. ;]
Why do they have to cancel all my favorite show? First Birds of Prey, now they want to end Kyle Xy. Damn
Nope, the show has been cancelled for quite some time.
Cool!! I like this very much...
Hey guys, just found this show which was recommended by my friend and guess what I really enjoyed watching the show a little bit cheesy at times but as a whole it was great.
It's too bad that this show only ran for one season, it really had a ton of potential.
I don't understand why the CW can continue to drag dead shows like Smallville into extinction but won't bring back classics
Oh well
hey great website great tv shows why go anywhere else thanks for info on birds of prey.
Loved this show, really wish it would have stuck around longer.
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