In the pilot episode, three of the girls are being sponsored for surfing by a company called Wave Sync, Dawn, the rich girl who stays out flirting with hot guys, Kai, the native of Hawaii, and Birdie which struggling in getting a job. They live with their coach, Justin (David Chokachi), and his assistant, Shoe (Jason Tam), who is in charge of keeping the boards clean. Shoe has a huge crush on Dawn, who doesn't seem to notice him much. Bailey (Ross Thomas II), is their annoying, but hot, next door neighbor which can't keep his eyes on Birdie. The last girl, Lacey Farmer, comes from an abusive household. She hopes that if she travels to Hawaii, Wave Sync will give her a sponsorship. She was strongly considered until Wave Sync saw her criminal record. Forced to stay in Hawaii because of her mother's drunk boyfriend, she has to prove that she belongs, regardless of her record.
There are many interesting characters in the series like Dawn which we know as “the flirt”, however as the series goes she's so much more than that. Also Lacey, she has a lot of trials in life which causes her to run off to Hawaii. The four main female characters come from diverse backgrounds and bring many of their issues into the house. Fights ensue over boys, money and surfing, and the girls are forced to learn life lessons without parental supervision. At the end of the day, friendships and bonds are formed, but not without a “whodunit” angle to keep the drama alive until the next episode.
When Sam was an infant and Dean was a only four years old their mother, Mary, murdered by something supernaturally evil that urged their father, John, to become a fighter of supernatural forces of evil. After the death of Mary the kids was trained by John to hunt and kill all things that go “bump in the night”. At a young age, both Sam and Dean became resourceful sleuths and experienced fighters assisting their father in his quest to destroy dangerous creatures and find the demon that had killed their mother. However, Sam rebelled against the lifestyle his father chose for him, eventually having a falling out with his father and leaving to live a “normal” life. At the age of 22 Sam attended Stanford University on a full scholarship and lived with his girlfriend Jessica (Adrianne Palicki), who was very supportive of him. One night, after years of estrangement, 26 year-old Dean shows up at Sam and Jess to ask for Sam's help to look for their father who had gone missing in three weeks during a “hunting trip”. Sam hesitate to do paranormal hunting again, Dean explained that John has been hunting for more clues to explain the mysterious death of Mary so Sam reluctantly agrees to help Dean in the search.
The brothers trace John to Jericho, California, where they find more clues about their father's possible location and help solve the ghost murder mystery their father had been working on before he disappeared. After all was said and done however and John was yet to be found, Sam declines his brother's invitation to continue the search and conduct more hunts, opting instead to return to his life with Jessica. Unfortunately, when he back in his apartment, he find Jessica dead as the same manner as his mother died. Due to the incident Sam decides to join Dean in the search for their father who may have answers about the demon who killed his mother and his girlfriend. Meanwhile, Sam starts to develop frightening abilities that include death visions, visions of people dying before it actually happens. These visions are somehow connected to the demon who murdered his mother and it's mysterious plans that seem to be all about Sam. Eventually the brothers locate their father, and he reveals the extent of his knowledge of the demon that killed Mary, and his intention to kill it. However, due to a series of catastrophic events (beginning with John's capture), they are eventually overpowered by the demon. While possessing John the demon nearly tortures Dean to death before Sam is able to and shoot it in the leg with the Colt. Sam tries to rush Dean and John to the hospital, but a demon then possesses a semi truck driver and plows into Dean's Impala, demolishing it and leaving all three Winchesters incapacitated inside the wreckage.
In season two, the trio are rescued and taken to the hospital, but Dean is under comatose state. Their father John summons the demon to make a deal and trades the gun and his own life to save Dean. The brothers struggle to cope with John's death while trying to continue their job. Various revelations occurred throughout the season that lead the pair to believe that the special children which have some sort of psychic power that is introduced in the season are being trained to participate in an army that the demon will lead in a coming apocalypse.
In the third season episode “Bedtime Stories”, Sam and Dean argue over whether using the newly rebuilt Colt will help give them the upper hand in breaking Dean's deal with the crossroads demon who revived Sam. At the end of the episode, Sam takes the Colt and, while Dean is asleep, visits the demon and threatens her. She tells Sam, however, that killing her will not break the deal since her boss holds the contract. Sam shoots and kills the demon anyway.
In the first episode of Season 1, FBI Special Agent Don Eppes got a case regarding the serial rapist-turned-killer. His brother Charlie voluntarily help him and produced a mathematical equation to identify the killer's point of origin by working back from the crime scene locations. Charlie compared the theory in a sprinkle drops of water, main plot line revolves around determining from a set of points (locations of murders by a serial killer) the home base of the killer. Much rambling about sprinklers and how from the location of the drops one can reconstruct the location of a rotating sprinkler. That is a brilliant idea of Charlie, unfortunately the first theory that he gave is suddenly missed out because he taught that the killer has only one base. So Don and Charlie talked together and again discuss the matter. Finally Charlie figure out that there is a great probability that there is a two based so he make another theory and produced a two hot zone pointing the rapist location. With Charlie brilliant idea FBI save the last victim and put the rapist in jail.
The Trager family who adopted Kyle is a typical one, and neither dad Stephen (Thomas), sister Lori (Matson) nor son Josh (Jean-Luc Bilodeau) is at all happy when mom Nicole (MacIntyre) brings home one of her "head cases." She's a social worker and believes Kyle needs a home environment to bring him out of his shell. Soon the family starts to see that Kyle has some unique abilities and an uncanny way of completing two hour IQ tests in 5 minutes with perfect scores. He encounters everyday activities such as video games, drawing and music with a wide-eyed wonder and a thirst for more knowledge. He also starts to grow fond of the Trager family and even rescues Lori from a high school party that gets dangerously out of hand. By the end of the episode, the family has accepted the strange young man, and he's learned to speak.
Kyle learns bits and pieces that may lead him to discover his identity, and he also learns life lessons as he finds a place in the family. However, when he learns that his search to discover who he is may put the Trager family in danger, he pushes his abilities to the limit, in "Overheard", in an effort to protect them. The season culminates in the finale "Endgame", in which Kyle finds answers and an ally. Unfortunately, it's at the cost of leaving behind everyone's he's come to love.
Melinda Gordon has a ability to communicate with earthbound spirits and owns an antique shop. She is married to Jim Clancy (David Conrad) a local paramedic. Since she was a child she has a gift to communicate with the spirit of those who passed away. This fascinating ability was inherited to her grandmother as well as to her mother. She helps earthbound spirits and helps them to cross over in the Light. Her supporting husband Jim knows everything about her and is worried about what it can it do to her. In the first season of the series Romano was introduced, the antagonist and wearing a black hat. Romano is the opposite of Melinda, he tempted and gather earthbound souls and bring them to the Dark Side. The story climaxed in the season finale when a plane crashed in Grand view, and Melinda and Romano both attempted to sway the souls to the Light, and staying on earth, respectively. The second season arc revolves around the thinning "veil" between the living and the dead, evident in certain situations in second season episodes. By the end of the season, a second Ghost Whisperer was introduced. His arrival in Grand view sets the final events of a disastrous prophecy in motion, and the strengthening of the dark side over the Light.
In this series usually Melinda first encounter a ghost that supposed to be to crossed over. But the ghost can't leave this world because of it's unfinished business then Melinda will help the confused ghost to crossed the Light. At the end the ghost will fulfill the unfinished business by the help of Melinda and will cross over.
The story begun when Catherine was abducted, beaten and abandoned in the middle of Central Park. Due to Vincent appearance he only emerge from the tunnels during the night and on one of his rambles he discovers the wounded Catherine. Carrying her down to the home chambers of his community (the World Below), Vincent nurses Catherine back to health with the aid of his adoptive parent Father (Roy Dotrice). This is the beginning of a beautiful love affair between Catherine and Vincent the beast.
Despite the lovers strong relations there is so much trials between them, one of this is with their families and friends. Even though it is against all odds the lover's stick together until Catherine became pregnant. She was kidnapped by Gabriel, an apparent drug lord, and take away from Vincent until she comes to term. When Vincent finds where she is, he tried to rescue her but Gabriel knows the plan. He ordered to kill Catherine and escape with the baby. Catherine died in Vincent arms but before she had her last breath she told Vincent everything about their son. That's the beginning of Vincent quest to Gabriel with the help of Diana Bennett, a police investigator.