Criss Angel: Mindfreak

Criss Angel MindfreakThis amazing TV show “Criss Angel Mindfreak” is distributed by A&E Network which debuted in 2005, and centers on unusual stunts and street magic acts by illusionist Criss Angel. The first and second seasons were filmed at the The Aladdin in Las Vegas, were the third season at the Luxor Hotel. On its premier on July 20, 2005, there are a lot of illusions featured including walking on water, levitating above the Luxor Hotel, floating between two buildings, causing a Lamborghini to disappear, surviving in an exploding C4 Crate, and cutting Criss Angel's body in half in full view of an audience. Taken from the opening of the half hour television show, the definition of the title, Mindfreak is a modern day mystifier who utilizes skills beyond the category of magic. This can be expanded by saying that a Mindfreak is in fact a person (magicians, illusionists, etc) who engages in acts which seem to defy human or scientific logic or as an individual who pushes the boundaries of their own mind and body. On a stunt in the third season, he attempted to jump out of a van before it crashed and exploded. Criss made it but landed on his neck and the show's production was stopped for two weeks while he recovered. October 2007, fourth season begin filming and the show is scheduled to run for two more seasons after that.

Criss Angel is on a quest to bring magic into our lives through extreme entertainment that he calls “Mindfreak”. He believes today's magicians are for the most part archaic and out of touch with society. He plans to change that with amazing feats, including being set ablaze for 46 seconds with very little protection and levitating people right on the street to death-defying escapes and even more slight-of-hand acts. In response to how he does his stunts, he has only declared not to have any paranormal powers, saying: “I do not believe that anybody has the ability to do anything that's supernatural”.

Building Float: Criss Angel takes Mindfreak's season 1 levitation to a whole new level. He will float from one building to another infront of a random crowd in broad daylight.

Walk on Water: Criss will attempt to walk across an entire pool in one continuous shot while skeptics swim below and around him.

In Two: Criss Angel will demonstrate his version of being cut in half without covers, boxes or trick clothing.


  1. you do it smoothly. i love your review about this Tv show Mind freak.. you have AMAZING BLOG keep it up..

  2. I used to watch this show, its really great show with its great magic features

  3. If you got money or you want big money you can do things like this. make up your mind its all about the tricks! because this guy is totally

  4. Most of the tricks have been done before by the likes of Penn & Teller (who are friends of Criss) but all the same, some of these stunts are really great fun.

    Criss Angel is Awesome.

  5. He is a David Blaine like magician wearing a punk outfit

    Celebrity news blog

  6. He can levitate great an amazing power indeed!!!... of course I much prefer flying but still right levitation is a great power!!!

  7. imo, he's better than David Blaine. The tricks such as the elevation and water walk are amazing

  8.'s amazing
    your review is explaining...
    I'd like to see the show live.

  9. Chris Angel is unbeliviable. I'd like to know how to levitate like Chris.
