Melinda Gordon has a ability to communicate with earthbound spirits and owns an antique shop. She is married to Jim Clancy (David Conrad) a local paramedic. Since she was a child she has a gift to communicate with the spirit of those who passed away. This fascinating ability was inherited to her grandmother as well as to her mother. She helps earthbound spirits and helps them to cross over in the Light. Her supporting husband Jim knows everything about her and is worried about what it can it do to her. In the first season of the series Romano was introduced, the antagonist and wearing a black hat. Romano is the opposite of Melinda, he tempted and gather earthbound souls and bring them to the Dark Side. The story climaxed in the season finale when a plane crashed in Grand view, and Melinda and Romano both attempted to sway the souls to the Light, and staying on earth, respectively. The second season arc revolves around the thinning "veil" between the living and the dead, evident in certain situations in second season episodes. By the end of the season, a second Ghost Whisperer was introduced. His arrival in Grand view sets the final events of a disastrous prophecy in motion, and the strengthening of the dark side over the Light.
In this series usually Melinda first encounter a ghost that supposed to be to crossed over. But the ghost can't leave this world because of it's unfinished business then Melinda will help the confused ghost to crossed the Light. At the end the ghost will fulfill the unfinished business by the help of Melinda and will cross over.
Ghost Whisperer has a wonderful story and I really like the character of Jennifer Love Hewitt..
I really like the concept of this show. Melinda as the defender of lost souls...Great show!!...
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